Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Life in a Blink

Do you ever wonder where time actually goes? It seems like everyday is the same routine get up, go to work, come home, get ready for bed, sleep and then start all over again. I mean sure you have your little things here and there softball or cheer practice a football game or two. But one day you stop and you look and your kids are 8, 4, 1 and uh oh there's one on the way?! How'd this happen!? Well we all know how that happens, but no really how'd this happen!? Eight years ago I looked into the eyes of the most beautiful little brown eyes I had ever seen. They looked back at me so trusting and needy now all grown up (so she thinks!) those same eyes still look at me with trust and need for my love but now have a since of independence in them, a look of self worth and determination to be her own person. Oh and what I would give to just hold my little guy for hours, to rub his back and smell his hair, to get that back again...now it's cars, trains, Batman's and swords! The faster the better and more more more mud please!!!! And then there's Meme she's only one and has the determination of my eight year old I swear! No cuddles for her just wipe my boo boo off mom and let me go I have places to see. Those little legs go faster than a marathon runner pitter patter pitter patter oops, fall down, no time for tears I have to catch bubba and sissy! Maybe with number four on the way I'm having maternal thoughts and lots of memories bubbling around in my head or maybe just maybe it's time for things to slow down for more time to be spent with the ones that matter the most. Maybe it's time to turn the TVs off, put the phones down, walk away from the computer's and just sit down with the ones we love and enjoy what we can before time takes what we can never get back. . .


  1. Great post! I love it. Life is short. And, number 4? Wow. Congratulations Jennifer, Roman, and fam! :)

  2. yep #4 oops! But a good oops - I think... :)
